D.O.N.O.R. – Donation of Organs Nonstop Respect

D.O.N.O.R. – Donation of Organs Nonstop Respect

Health promotion & disease prevention


5 hours

“Wakey-Wakey My Organs!”

Duration: around 15 min.

Group size: Any

Materials: Large venue, Laptop or stereo with a sound system, favorite songs.

The Facilitator announces that since the module relates to organ donation, it is time to do the Organ Dance, “Wakey-Wakey My Organs”. Therefore, each participant needs to imagine that each body organ is a different dance partner who needs to be awakened, leaded to dancing and enjoy the party. The instructions given by the Facilitator before the energizer: 1) Do not forget to breath during the exercise, 2) Participants can watch and follow the facilitator’s moves during the energizer, but they can also improvise their own dance moves, 3) Participants need to really make an effort imagining each organ dancing, even if they find it funny.

Step1: The Facilitator puts soft music and asks participants to pick a position they like – sitting, lying or standing. Then all participants start taking deep abdominal breathing, imagining first the sky and then the earth, to relax the body and feel the energy around. This is done for 2 minutes. Then the facilitator asks participants to start moving their legs on the spot to warm-up better, until he/she puts on a more energetic music (2-3 favorite songs in a row, not to interrupt the energizer).

Step 2: The music changes and the Facilitators shouts “People dance with your Intestines. So, shake-shake your body, rotate and twist!!!!”. So the Facilitator starts dancing by shaking the body, rotating and twisting. Participants follow and when they get into the spirit they start improvising following the route “shake, rotate, twist”. This is done for about 2-3 minutes.

Step 3:  The Facilitator changes the moves by shouting “People dance with your lungs and heart. So slightly bend your body, open your legs, stretch your hands on the side and start slapping the air, in front of you while dancing”. So the Facilitator opens his/her hands on the side, then brings them together in front of the chess following the rhythm, maintaining legs slightly open. This is done for about 2-3 minutes.

Step 4: The Facilitator changes the moves by shouting “People pick up your kidney and liver to dance and follow my steps”. So the facilitator starts making 3 steps on the right side, and on the 4th step he/she stretches the left leg. Then he/she makes 3 steps on the left side and on the 4th step he/she stretches the right leg. Then the facilitator repeats the same steps going up front and going back. The steps follow the rhythm of the music and the hands move on the air accordingly to maintain balance. Participants start dancing like this for 2-3 minutes, allowing their body to be guided by their organs.  

Step 5: Then the Facilitator shouts “People All Together Now! Dance with your entire body and with your organs with your own unique way”. All participants start dancing freestyle, without thinking, just enjoying and moving to the music. This can be done for 2-3 minutes or until the last song is finished.

Step 6: At the end the Facilitator changes the music into a soft song and asks participants to lie down and feel that each of their organs are being awakened. He/she asks them to close their eyes and feel the increased blood through their veins, the oxygen and energy being circulated in their organs and a strong energy going up and down their bodies. This is again for 2 minutes.

1. “Organ Donation: What’s That and how does it work?”

Duration: around 60 min.

Group size:  up to 25 people

Material: tables (lined in a closed distance between them), with 2 chairs opposite each other, timer and small bell, papers, pens/pencils, Video Organ Donation and Transplantation: How Does It Work? (4:54)


The Facilitator divides the group into couples. Each couple must sit on a table, facing opposite each other. The Facilitator presents the subject “Organ Donation” and explains to participants that she/he will read out a question and each couple has 3 minutes to exchange information and write down short answers, based on their knowledge on the subject. Participants will know when the time is up for each question when the bell rings.

The Facilitator asks the following questions:

  1. What is organ donation?
  2. What organs can be donated?
  3. Who can donate?
  4. What factors are considered when matching a donor with recipient?
  5. What factors are not taken into account?
  6. When can a patient in need receive an organ?
  7. How someone becomes a donor?
  8. When someone becomes a donor, what tests or examinations are taken?
  9. Where is the organ donation performed and who performs the organ donation?

At the end of this exercise the facilitator asks the following questions addressing all group (15 minutes):

  • Did you find it difficult to respond to the questions?
  • Was there a question where you could not respond at all?
  • Do you believe that you are in need of more awareness and knowledge on the issue?
  • Is there anybody in the room who is registered as an organ donor?

Then the facilitator asks participants to watch the following video and receive briefly the answers to the questions.

At the end of the video a short discussion follows, where participants will have the opportunity to express their feelings, thoughts and questions they may have. 

2. “Stakeholders Meeting – Who is involved in the Organ Transplantation Procedure?”

Duration: around 60 min.

Group size: 25-30  

Materials: Flipchart, A2 papers, Laptops/Electronic devices, Internet access, pens, pencils, markers.

The Facilitator introduces the exercise by saying that the organ transplantation involves a complex, collaborative steps of interaction between different stakeholders. The Facilitator divides the group into smaller groups of 4-6 people, according to the following groups PATIENTS AND FAMILY, HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS, ORGAN PROCUREMENT AND TRANSPLANT COORDINATORS, HOSPITAL FOR DONATIONS, and the OPO-ORGAN PROCUREMENT ORGANIZATION. Participants need to imagine that they represent the role assigned to their group and need to prepare for a meeting with their others on the Organ Donation and Transplantation Procedure. So, the Facilitator asks groups to research the internet, find information (for 20 minutes). Then participants are asked to prepare the profile of the group they represent, using creative and innovative ways based on their notes (for 15 more minutes), either in the form of online presentation (using PowerPoint, or Canva or Prezi) or in the form of hardcopy A2 paper, using writing or drawing. Their profiles need to include, among others, information on the following questions:

  • Who we are
  • What is the aim/scope of our group?
  • What do we do or/and What do we want to do?
  • Suggestions for awareness and dissemination of information
  • Other information we need to present to other stakeholders.

Upon completion of time, each group is given 5 minutes to present their group. This will take 20-25 more minutes. The results can be posted on the venue walls, or online on Facebook or/and websites.

“Organ Donation – Myths vs. Facts” (evaluation)

The Facilitator, before the exercise, prepares the venue, by dividing it into two spaces, each with the title “MYTH” and “FACT”, with a line in the middle (marked with a coloured wide tape). He asks all participants to stand across the line and explains that a list of statements will be read, one by one. Participants need to decide whether the statement they hear, each time, is a fact or a myth and go and stand in either space according to their belief.

At every statement, when participants take stand, the facilitator randomly asks 1-2 people of every side to support their opinion, to generate a short 1-2 minute discussion. At the end, the facilitator reads out the correct answer for each statement. The Appendix 1 Myths vs. Facts is presented and distributed to all participants at the end of the discussion.

At the end of the exercise all participants take their seats and the video “The Power of Yes – Organ Donation Myths vs. Facts”


is presented for further reference and awareness.

1. D.O.N.O.R. Campaign

Duration: around 60 min.

Group size: any

Materials: A4 paper, A3 Cartons, Pens/Pencils, Magazines, Glues, Crayons or any other materials for coloring

The Facilitator divides the group into sub-groups of 5-6 people. Then He/She asks groups to a) prepare a campaign plan to promote organ donation, b) come up with different slogans promoting organ donation and c) create, design or develop a poster projecting dynamically their slogan. The exercise lasts for 40-50 minutes. Then all posters are presented, and then posted on the walls, and then on websites and social media pages for further dissemination.

2. “Be an Organ Donor and Save Lives!”

Duration: around 30 min.

Group size: any

Materials: A4 and A3 paper, Pens/Pencils, Magazines, Glues, Crayons or any other materials for coloring

The Facilitator divides the group into sub-groups of 5-6 people and announces that each group has to design, on A2 paper, an educational or social event promoting the slogan “Be an Organ Donor and Save Lives”. Each group has to a) discuss for 40 minutes, decide on an event and b) prepare an event plan, which will all related information on how to realize the specific event. The plan will include the title, where the event will take place, for which target group, what will be about (content) and what it will include, how the event will be promoted, whether they need financial support and who they are planning to contact for this.

At the end of the discussion results are presented, and then posted on the walls, and then on websites and social media pages for further dissemination.